Bigfoot Temples and Sacred Grounds include The Well of Knowledge. This site contains all the valuable memories and lessons of ages past. Drinking of the water is a renewal of the future and a reminder of how not to repeat the dire mistakes of the past that once wrought destruction across the lands of Cross Over.
This Bigfoot Temples and Sacred Grounds site is in the desolate Mountains of Alamar. This fortress once held the powers of darkness so feared by the benevolent Sasquatch of Cross Over. This fortress was the keep of a reptilian dragon known as Pilfitch. Pilfitch was responsible for torching thousands of acres of forests and villages before the Sasquatch forces of Rilkin the Swordsman tempted and slew the beast in the Valley of the Moon. Now young Sasquatch journey to the Mountains of Alamar and the Fortress of Courage as part of their initiation into adulthood. Courage is never granted, it is earned.
It was here that Rilkin the Swordsman slew Pilfitch with a sword forged from the Mountain of Promises. Rilkin had conquered all of his fears by practicing and regaining the Sasquatch magical powers inherent to all Sasquatch at birth. Using the powers of cloaking, thought placement and transmigration, the great Swordsman and his clan lured the dragon into his deathtrap. This was the catalyst and beginning of the great Sasquatch awakening that now exists in the land of Cross Over.
Sasquatch temples and sacred grounds includes the Chapel to the Heavens. This chapel is a sacred mountain peak where weary Sasquatch go to find rebirth. Since the Sasquatch live for thousands and thousands of years, they find new life by creating it in the Chapel to Heaven. The members of the Sasquatch Council of Elders have been entrusted with maintaining its sacred heritage.
Bigfoot Temples and Sacred Grounds also include The Trail of Tears. This trail leads out of the Mountains of Alamar where the Sasquatch had to flee the Fires of Pilfitch before the reign of Rilkin the Swordsman as leader of the Council of Elders. The trail of tears is marked by the glowing lights of prayer huts to which the Sasquatch retreat at sundown in order to envision the future. The crepuscule hour (also known as the Sasquatch Stream of Consciousness) is a time of reflection and creation that all Sasquatch honor and perform.
This warm and majestic temple is located at the doorstep to The Valley of the Moon. It is called The Temple of Reason because it is there where Rilkin the Swordsman practiced and regained his inherent magical powers. The temple is now used as a monastery for the teaching of cloaking, transmigration and thought placement to many young Sasquatch.
Bigfoot Temples and Sacred Grounds also include the ancient portals between their world and ours. This one is a photo rendition of the Misty River Portal located a couple of hundred miles north of Sault Saint Marie, Michigan, in Canada's Aqua River Canyon. There are no roads in this particular area and the portal is only accessible by foot or snow machine. A north/south bound train was once used to traverse this canyon if one were on a journey up to Hudson Bay mine sites, but the train was discontinued several years back for lack of interest or finances.
The existence and sacredness of these portals should not be shrugged-off as most humans are prone to do. If one is lucky or unlucky enough to happen upon one, they can be quite disorienting and unexplainable to the unprepared. I've seen people explain away a portal's phenomenon as some kind of hoax or weird trick because of their inability to confront and acknowledge the existence of powers beyond their everyday human comprehension. These portals can be spooky places, sometimes even referred to as mystery spots to the ever clever entrepreneur. When aware humans happen upon one of these ancient portals, they will often exploit them as magical or mystical spots because in reality they are. Even though abandoned, these ancient portals still possess an inkling of a window into the unknown universe of Cross Over, thus the attraction to the mystery aspects of that geographic location.
The quantum fabric between our world and theirs is often thinnest along streams and rivers. This is where many Bigfoot sightings naturally occur. Even if the Bigfoot is located in Cross Over and the human in our normal space and time continuum, the Sasquatch can sometimes be seen as wavering or ghostlike by the human spectator.